Drink a lot of water:
6 to 10 glasses a day
+ 2 glasses in the morning.
Structured water from springs is preferable.
Water responds to feelings, thoughts, images (seeing) and words (hearing)
(cfr. Doctor Emoto).
We energise from being in the light.
(Doctor Gerald Polack)
All living cells are emitting light particles, biophotons, weak photon emissions of cells, which are measurable. The intensity, frequency, wave length and rhythm of the biophotons indicate your current health. (Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp)
Walk in nature.
Phytoncides from trees, found in the air, enhance your immune function
(forest bathing or shinrin-yoku).
Film en DVD
Popova and Perkul. (2006) Water – The great mystery.
Silverthorn DU. (2007) Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach. Pearson Education Inc. 470-490. San Fransisco.
Pollack. (2013) Fourth Phase of Water : Beyond Solid, Liquid & Vapor. Ebner and Sons Publishers.
Heidstra. (2014) Het actief water boek. Quasar Publications.
Venhuizen G. (2017) Licht. De invloed op lichaam en geest. Atlas contact.
Russell P. (2003) De Brug Tussen Wetenschap en God. Het mysterie van bewustzijn en licht. East West Publications.
Websites & Youtube
Why water is one of the weirdest things in the universe | BBC Ideas:
The weirdness of water could be the answer | Marcia Barbosa | TEDxCERN water: How to sun charge/crystal charge water and why your should vortex your water before drinking by Ray Maor
Film en DVD
Das Gesetz der Resonanz (De Wet der Resonantie)
Russell P. (2003) De Brug Tussen Wetenschap en God. Het mysterie van bewustzijn en licht. East West Publications.
Sangen Y. Tazelaar K. (2010) Biophotonen. Bron van energie en levenslicht. Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes bv, Deventer.
Venhuizen G. (2017) Licht. De invloed op lichaam en geest. Atlas contact.
Websites & Youtube
The forth phase of water: Dr. Gerald Pollack at TEDx
Li Q, Morimoto K, Nakadai A, et al. (2007) Forest bathing enhances human natural killer activity and expression of anti-cancer proteins. Int. 1 Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 2007; 20(S):3- 8. 2.
Li Q, Morimoto K, Kobayashi M, et al. (2008) Visiting a forest, but not a city, increases human natural killer activity and expression of anti-cancer proteins. Int. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 2008; 21: 117-27. 3.
Li Q, Morimoto K, Kobayashi M, et al. (2008) A forest bathing trip increases human natural killer activity and expression of anti-cancer proteins in female subjects. Biol. Regul. Homeost. Agents 2008; 22:45- 55.
Li et al. (2009) Effect of Phytoncide from Trees on Human Natural Killer Cell Function. Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 2009 Oct-Dec;22(4):951-9.
de Jong K. en Hof W. (2015) Koud kunstje. Wat kun je leren van de iceman. Lucht, Uitgeverij.
Geeraerts K. en Van Nieuland Luois. (2017) Blijven ademen. Hartcoherentie als antwoord op burn-out, hyperventilatie en stress. M-books.
Li Q. (2018) Shinrin-Yoku: De kunst en wetenschap van het bosbaden. Lev.
Bridgeman R. en Van Den Hout M. (2016) Start vandaag met ademen. De Bridgeman ademmethode. Ankh-Hermes.