A Bit About Me
I graduated as a sports physiotherapist in 2012, but my desire to learn more about the holistic approach in solving health problems was strong. So I started studying osteopathy at the FICO Osteopathy Academy in Antwerp.
My brother's serious health issues confronted me with traditional medicine: its strengths, but also its weaknesses. It became very clear to me that “a holistic approach” (physical, emotional and mental) is of primordial importance.
A sustainable, ecological, mostly vegetarian lifestyle combined with mental well-being and a nourishing environment are my priorities.

Work Experience
June 2018 - ...
June 2018 - ...
June 2010 - 2018
Osteopath in her own practice in Wilrijk (2018 - ...)
Osteopath in the multidisciplinary practice "Osteopatisch Centrum Middelburg" in Middelburg (NL) (2021 - ...)
Osteopath in the multidisciplinary practice "Tonus" in Londerzeel (2018 - 2021), "Urban Clinic (2018 - 2023) and “Revactief" in Niel (2020 - 2024)
Team member of OCM lifestyle www.ocmlifestyle.nl
Osteopathic specialisation in gynaecology and female pelvic disorders
Osteopathic specialisation in treating children
Therapy in nature
Physiotherapist in Medical Centre Lavey-Les-Bains, Switzerland (2017 - 2018)
Physiotherapist in the Independent practice of Gilles Hertoghe in Edegem (2012 - 2016) and Björn Camerlynck in Antwerp (2012 - 2016)
Physiotherapist of the men’s league Beerschot Hockey team (2010 - 2013)
June 2017 - ...
January 2023 - ...
2019: 'A functional osteopathic approach to treatment' by the European Academy for Traditional Osteopathy
2021: 'Pelvic and gynaecologic disfunctions' by Lieselot Theys
2022: 'Visceral manipulations for female pelvic disorders' by Olivier Bazin
2022: 'Treating children today - a perceptual osteopathic journey' by the European Academy for Traditional Osteopathy
2022: 'A traditional view of Osteopathy in the Cranial field' by the European Academy for Traditional Osteopathy
Woman's Health
2023: 'Fertility Awareness Masterclass' by Hormao
2023: 'After the Pill' by Hormao
2023: 'Women's Health' by Nutrition Network